Tough manzxzx!
Had 3 hours of Ndp trng on sunday. it's so... TIRING. i mean, it's more tiring than cca, and camp! yes seriously camp is much better lor :/ and for the first time i really felt like fainting. i feel such a weakling now X.x
anyway, was quite pissed with my mom and sister. my mom called me like how many thousand times to meet/cancel the meeting at amk hub. and they actually bought millions of stuff. hmph ):
yesterday went to the gym again with aubreylee! haha she sucks cause she thought i went missing in the gym ._______. oh and we found some other equipments to train our arm muscles! all thanks to the

whee i'm so agile hahah! aubrey can't do that, tsk tsk. ADMIT IT I'M PRO :D

ehhhh this one she like. i look like a luohan ._.
more posts soon! <3
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