why does she have to spoil my fun when im having it ?
as i've said, my maplesstory have just resumed !im was like so excited !! keep on playing, then now lvl up already. bought fairy top and skirt ! god man !! after that, i bought maple pre-paid card (: my first one leh !! heheh, i buy to make my hair la..cos n00b hairs suck like hell. walao thne first then get that n00b hair la, sammy from henesys. same as yj's hair..crap. then ltr i made again... FREAK ! i get polly sia ! that two pony tails when the fridnge. eeks. so ugggg . some of them say nice lor..some say veh ugly.. but i thikn its quite ugly though..
quite sad... but thne ytd i bot another maple pre-paid la. bot another hair coupon from henesys again !! omg i dint expect i will get VANILLA !! OMGOMG !! hahaha !! in henesys, a lot of ppl like angelica... but then veh common lor. vanilla is unique sia ! and veh little ppl has it laa ! WHEE (: its so ke ai ! i took ss(screenshot) of myself, but now my mom took out the plug from the computer laa !!! WALAO. she's an asshole lor. now i cannot upload the ss liao lor.. suan le.. show u all the example from internet...
then my sister saw it and was like, OMG I ALSO WANT TO MAKE MY HAIR !! but thne is like you know..left 5000 then she use it.. i cant use liao.. aiyah suan le, i also quite interested what hair wil she get, cos its random you see. okay la. thne i gave her and she made her hair. hmm, she got mary. its fine.. not veh common either. so its like okay . haha looks a bit shu nu or maybe auntie.. hahah !
hmm... vanilla looks nicer with my black bandana though... hmmm

this is SAMMY !! im so angry when i got this ! obviously its a n00b hair !!

this is polly !! erm, weird ?

WHEE VANILLA BABY ! whoops ! ziplexd !!

this is angelica which a lot of ppl has and likes. its nice too, but you can see it everywhere.

my sister's hair, mary ! hehe quite cute la hor (:
anw my hair is not black colour.. its orange.
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