I'm here to revive my blog!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay firstly, today is my aubreyleeee's birthday and yeah i made a picture for her!

Happy birthday! see i'm so nice hahahah :DD
and hope you'll like the present that i will give you on er, wednesday.
Omg i realised i haven't blog for a month! like 30 days (1 more day to 1month actually)! WOAH I'M SUCH A PRO! hahah sorry for the lack of posts cause i've been so lazy. i actually thought of what to write on the entries but i never posted them! laziness x3
SOOOOOOO, holidays have been NDP trngs/meetings/rehearsals/alittle towning.
but i spend most of the holidays at nee soon camp for ndp trng ): which is actually very tiring, sweaty. i had so many sprouting blisters! the sun was damn mean lah ): but luckily my blisters decided to be guai and not come out ((:
last sat was the first time we went for trng at Marina Bay, the actual place for NDP. OHMYGOD it was damnit cool okay! we were marching on floating platform on the sea! and we get to hold
the full run we stood like, 45mins? i think haha. so boring lah i kept having weird thoughts in my mind to entertain myself. and the canon! F-ING LOUD PLEASE. I GET A SHOCK EVERYTIME IT STARTS D: (but quite cool haha!)
Okay i shall stop ranting on and on about NDP and bore the world.
JTC 2007!
the groupings were released! (actually damn long ago but now then mention)
(Stay United Parishilton Elvispresley Rain Shakira! Tyrabanks Anitamui Rickymartin)
and obviously you can tell i'm in group SHAKIRA! :DDDDD
mylene qiaoyi kelly jesmine isabella me pung cabrini deborah!
actually quite sad still got hanxu and belinda but both of them couldnt make it ): the group's attendance damn pathetic i tell you, besides the loss of two members, jesmine had to leave for somewhere (batam?) on the second day before campfire & bella leaving after campfire & the juniors leaving somewhere inbetween.
._____________. so actually pung and i are the ones with the group all the time. GREAT ): luckily we're bunking w Rain so we won't be that lonely...
forget about that, OUR GROUP FLAG! hahah it's damn nice i tell you! (probably the best of all!) it's half done only but tomorrow we're meeting up to complete it. yay i hope it's really going to be wonderful! :D
haha i know i sound like an idiot but to get myself in the camp mood, i'm desperately listening to Shakira's songs! ah i love her voice (: (but my itunes is naughty and decides to play Britney Spears instead)
hahah okay squad item! going very well :D and i'm chao happy! got positive response from the yellow badge also :DDD
gonna continue rehearsing though!
MY MOM FINALLY ALLOW ME TO WEAR CONTACTS! :D hooray for not being blind anymore and lousaye spectacles! :DDDDDDD
she'll buy this week! yay i love my mom <3>Within Temptation (:
(Blogging is addictive!)
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